Corporate Governance

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6. Shareholders’ participation rights

Please refer to Swiss company law and also to Zehnder Group AG’s Articles of Association on our website

6.1 Voting rights restrictions and representation

Rules on shareholder voting rights are provided by Article 13 of the Articles of Association. Regardless of its nominal value, every share, which is entered in the share register with voting right, carries a voting right. The statements made under item 2.6 Limitations on transferability and nominee registration in this Corporate Governance Report apply.

In its invitation to the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors will announce the deadline for entry into the share register, which is required for the right to vote and participate.

A shareholder can be represented by the independent proxy or a third person. Regulations governing proxies and instructions are set by the Board of Directors. Written proxy is not required for legal representatives.

The independent proxy is elected each year at the Annual General Meeting. Re-election is permissible. The duties of the independent proxy are governed by the applicable legal provisions.

The Board of Directors did not grant any exceptions or exclude any nominees in the reporting year.

6.2 Quorums required by the Articles of Association

Insofar as provision to the contrary has not been made in law or the Articles of Association, the Annual General Meeting passes its resolutions and holds its elections based on a majority of the valid share votes cast. Abstentions, blank votes, and invalid votes are not included when the majority is counted. If a vote is tied, the Chairman has the casting vote on resolutions and in elections. Resolutions and elections are open unless provision to the contrary is made by the Chairman.

Under Article 16 (Important resolutions) of the Articles of Association, a resolution of the Annual General Meeting passed by at least 2/3 of the voting shares represented and a majority of the par value of the shares represented is required in particular for:

6.3 Convocation of the Annual General Meeting

As required by law, the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is convened by the Board of Directors or, if necessary, by the auditors in accordance with Article 12 (Convening and right to add items to the agenda) of the Articles of Association An Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is convened at least 20 days before the date of the meeting by publication in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce. If the postal or electronic delivery details of the shareholders are known, the invitation may be sent by post or electronic means at the same time.

The convening notice must state:

The Board of Directors may summarise the items on the agenda in the notice convening the meeting, provided it makes further information available to shareholders by other means. Shareholders who together represent at least 5% of the share capital or votes may request the convening of a General Meeting at any time, stating the items on the agenda and the proposals. The Board of Directors may make provision for shareholders who are not present at the meeting venue to exercise their rights electronically or, alternatively, for a purely electronic General Meeting to be held.

6.4 Inclusion of items on the agenda

The Board of Directors places items on the agenda. Shareholders registered with voting rights who individually or collectively represent at least 0.5% of the share capital or votes of the company may petition the Board of Directors to add an item to the agenda or to include a motion on an item in the notice convening the Annual General Meeting. Shareholders may submit a brief justification with the agenda item or motion. This must be included in the notice convening the Annual General Meeting. The request to add an item to the agenda must be submitted in writing to the Chairman of the Board of Directors at least 45 days before the Annual General Meeting, stating the item to be discussed and the proposals.

6.5 Entries in the share register

In its invitation to the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors will announce the deadline for entry into the share register, which is required for the right to vote and participate.

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