Financial Report – Financial statements of
Zehnder Group AG

Accounting and valuation principles 

PwC Schweiz PwC Switzerland

These annual accounts have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Swiss Accounting Law (title 32 OR [Swiss Code of Obligations]). The main valuation principles applied that are not prescribed by law are described below. It should be noted that the option of forming and releasing hidden reserves was exercised in order to safeguard the company’s long-term best interests.

1. Income from participations

The income from participations corresponds to the dividend earnings of the company. These are generally stated before the deduction of withholding tax.

2. Own shares

Own shares are recognised under shareholders’ equity in the balance sheet as a deduction at cost at the time of acquisition. If they are later resold, the profit or loss is recognised as financial income or expense on the income statement.

3. Share-based compensation

If own shares are used for share-based compensation for Board of Director members, then the difference between the current value at the time of allocation and the allocated share payment to the Board members is assigned as a personnel expense.

4. Participations

Participations are valued at acquisition cost less impairments.

5. Receivables and liabilities

Receivables and liabilities to third parties and Group companies are recognised at nominal values, less any operating allowance for bad debts.

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